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The retail sales of domestic textile, clothing and footwear increased 11.6 in 2013

Category:Industry News  Date:2015-05-11  Views:1715  [BACK]
    According to the National Bureau of Statistics: in December 2013, total retail sales of social consumer goods are 2306 billion yuan, representing a nominal growth of 13.6% (after deducting price factors, the actual growth is 12.2%, the following except special instructions were nominal growth). Among them, the amount of retail sales of more than 1264.1 billion yuan, which increased 13%. The full year in 2013, the total retail sales of social consumer goods is 23438 billion yuan, an increase of 13.1%.
    According to the consumption patterns, in December, food and beverage revenue is 247.9 billion yuan, which increased 8.6% .The retail goods is  2058.1 billion, which increase of 14.3%. The full year in 2013, food and beverage revenue is 2539.2 billion yuan, an increase of 9%.The commodity retail is 20898.8 billion yuan, an increase of 13.6%.
    In December, retail sales of textiles, clothing and footwear is 132.3 billion yuan, an increase of 11.1%. In the year of 2013, retail sales of clothing shoes and hats, knitwear totaled 1141.4 billion yuan, an increase of 11.6%.